Change of plans.

I need to "wicker" the seat first and then build it into the plane. The gusset plates that are going to hold it are made so I can't get the seat out or in, once those plates are riveted to the bottom longerons.

So I have to finish the seat completely before it goes in.

So while I am looking for someone to do that seat, or maybe I might do it myself, I am working on the rudder controls.

What I am going to do is the following:

I am constructing a walking bar of Chromoly, behind the seat with two cables going to the back to control the rudder. And from the walking bar I have two cables going forward going to two pedals. This way I can put a lot of pressure on both pedals without damaging anything. Working on the bar construction first.

The problem is that that bar can't be at the bottom as it will be in the way for the aileron control. So I have a cunning plan to mount it halfway up to the diagonal cross tube just behind the seat and just behind the back carry through, if that makes sense. In fact I will have two diagonal cross tubes, one going top left to bottom right and the other one top right to bottom left. And at the junction, I am making a little welded aluminium construction that is going to hold the walking bar.

Will show you some photos soon.