Tightened up the 4 AN5 bolts that go through the 2" carry through, to lock them into the fuselage frame. You can just see one of them in the big photo above, on the left side of the front carry through.

You might remember that the 2 vertical tubes on each side of the carry through have a second tube inside, to make it all nice and strong !!!

The same 4 bolts also hold the four 1 and 7/8" inserts in place that now stick out on each side of the fuselage (again see big photo above for the front right insert). The 2" wing spars will slide over these when attached to the fuselage.

Also started with the cross tubes (connecting the left and right side) where the two floor boards go. These cross tubes don't "hang" underneath the bottom 2 longerons, but I am placing them on top. Will show you on Saturday what that is going to look like