Temporarily extended my workbench today, preparing myself for the fuselage. The longeron, see below right is created from 2 tubes, one 1" with the kink in it, and one 7/8".

Without riveting the two together, I am going to build the 2 side panels.

Then I separate the front from the back, and plan to finish the whole front fuselage first. I am doing this because the whole fuselage is something like 7m long, too long to fit in the garage. This way I can stay working in the garage as long as possible. Later on I have to move into our shed, big enough to finish the Blériot XI.


Above you see the beginning of the side frame. The bits of tube there are the vertical tubes to go in between the longeron's. Because the longeron has a kink, I decided to start this way. Once laid out and marked , I determined where the kink was going to be.

Right you see a curved bit of ply (used for elevator) screwed into place to bend the longeron. I did bend all 4 longeron's so next I can start building !!!!! Yeah.
